Top 10 study tips for effective learning - FutureLearn (2024)

The right study methods are critical if you’re going to get the most from your time in education. Here, we look at the study tips that make the difference!

Top 10 study tips for effective learning - FutureLearn (1)

Have you ever noticed that some students are better at studying than others? They might have access to the same resources over the same period of time – but the information just seems to sink in more easily.

You might explain this with reference to intelligence, dedication or environment. But the truth is that even the most gifted students working in the best possible settings will struggle if they lack the skills necessary to study effectively. That’s because studying is a skill (or a series of skills) that can be honed with practice…and a little bit of patience.

If you’re going to get the most from your studies, you’ll want to identify exactly what those skills are – and how you can acquire and improve them. Having done this, it’s then a matter of learning as many tips and tricks as possible.

That way, you’ll give yourself every possible advantage to get the most from the time you spend at the books!

Table of Contents

How to study

The methods you use to study are vital. They’ll vary depending on the subject you’re learning and the medium of instruction. Some subjects are more skills-based, while others rely more on building a knowledge base.

For example, if you’re going to get the most from your online studies, why not look into a few courses designed with this kind of learning in mind?

These include

  • Digital Skills Awareness for Starting Higher Education by Bloomsbury Learning Exchange
  • Learning Online: Communicating and Collaborating by the University of Leeds
  • A Digital Edge: Essentials for the Online Learner by Dublin City University

For remote learners, the University of York’s tips for studying with technology are worth considering. If you’re a university researcher, then you might also look at the University of Southampton’s tips on what to think about before you get started on research.

  • University of Leeds Learning Online: Studying and Reflecting

  • University of Reading A Beginner’s Guide to Writing in English for University Study

What are study skills?

Getting better at a few core study skills will help you get a lot more out of your time as a student. What’s more, they can all be applied to the world of work, too. So, what are the skills you need to study effectively?

Time management

If you can’t effectively manage your time, then you’re not going to be able to get the best from it. This doesn’t just mean being punctual but structuring your independent study so that you cover all of your bases while still diving deep into the materials.


Effective study is organised study. You’ll need to have all your materials within easy reach, and you’ll want to have a system for absorbing them. This might mean skimming through everything, identifying problem areas, and circling back. It might mean dividing your days up into key topics and poring through them, one by one.


When you’re taking on board information, being able to take notes effectively will be hugely helpful. It will give you something to refer to later, and, if you’re writing by hand, help drive the information deeper into your brain.

Essay writing

Essays are a great way of demonstrating that you know what you’re talking about. Writing them can also help you figure out exactly where the gaps in your knowledge lie.

If your essay-writing skills could use a bit of fine-tuning, you might look at the University of Reading’s Beginner’s Guide to Writing in English for University Study. We’ve also written on the subject in our Essay Writing 101 post.

The importance of study skills

Most of the advice you find online will be geared towards the average student – a young person who spends their time surrounded by other young people. If you don’t fit into this category, then it’s worth tweaking your approach until you find a method that works for you.

First-time adult learners

It might be that you didn’t spend much time in the education system during your formative years. Perhaps you didn’t consider it worthwhile, or perhaps you were denied the opportunity.

Whatever the reason, you might not yet have picked up the study skills you need to really thrive – so tips such as these can come in very handy. It’s often a good idea to form bonds with other students in your position, which is why interacting with other students is one of the major study tips for online learning set out by Leiden University.

Adult learners returning to education

If you’ve already been through the education system, you might have an idea of what to expect. While a few more miles on the clock might make it harder to fit learning into an already busy schedule, you’re ahead of the game in many ways. If you’ve come back to education, you’ve got a strong drive to learn. That will help you to focus during those late-night study sessions.

If you’ve been away from education for a while, you might be surprised to discover how much has changed. Getting acquainted with modern study methods can help you to close the gap – especially if you’re relying on a few familiar, though outdated, techniques.

Neurodivergent learners

If you’re neurodivergent (as opposed to neurotypical) then you’ll be aware that in some situations you tend to think differently to other people – by definition. This could mean that taking a different approach to studying will bear significant fruit.

Finding the right study process for you might require a little bit of experimentation until you find an approach that works. If you’re really struggling with conventional means, then try tweaking things a bit – or even tearing up the rulebook entirely.

How can you improve your study skills?

We offer plenty of courses designed to help you get the most from your study sessions, and teach you how to study effectively. Students of all ages and abilities can benefit from them. Even if you think that you have studying down to a fine art, there are always additional benefits to uncover.

Here are a few courses that can help you improve your study skills:

  • Why Research Matters by Griffith University
  • Skills to Succeed at University by the University of Leeds
  • Improving Your Study Techniques by the University of Groningen
  • Critical Thinking at University: An Introduction by the University of Leeds

If you’re studying for a Futurelearn Microcredential, there’s also a blog on preparing for Microcredential Study that’s worth exploring.

More specific niches will require more specific approaches. If you’re starting a career as a teacher, you should look at the University of East Anglia’s strategies for effective learning, which is a part of their course on Professional Development for Early Career Teachers.

To find out how best to prepare for studying, try the quiz in the University of Groningen’s open step about study prep – if you’d like a preview of what you can gain, this is an excellent place to start!

  • University of Leeds Blended Learning Essentials: Developing Digital Skills

  • Bloomsbury Learning Exchange Digital Skills Awareness for Starting Higher Education

  • University of Groningen Improving Your Study Techniques

Top 10 best study tips

Over the years, students have come up with all kinds of novel ways to study more effectively. Some of these methods have been so reliable that they’ve become widespread. Try them all, and keep the ones that work for you.

1. Be consistent

If you try to cram, you’ll set yourself up for failure. It’s far more effective to get a little bit done every day than it is to get a lot done in a single frantic studying binge. This is because your brain needs time to shuffle all that information into your long-term memory – which it’ll do while you’re sleeping.

2. Sleep properly

If you’re sleep-deprived, you won’t be able to focus, and you’ll have difficulty absorbing new ideas and information. In short, you won’t be able to study as effectively. So, get as much sleep as you can.

Ironically, learning about the importance of sleep can bring on peoples’ sleep anxiety. So don’t set yourself a target of getting to sleep – just make sure that your sleeping environment is set up just right.

Make sure that you’re going to bed at the same time every night, that you don’t expose yourself to bright blue lights before bed, and that you generally have a nice wind-down routine.

Those looking to optimise their sleep hygiene might look into the University of Michigan’s course on sleep deprivation and how to avoid it.

3. Try the Pomodoro method

In the 1980s, a student named Francesco Cirillo came up with the ‘Pomodoro’ technique. This word comes from the Italian word for ‘tomato’ – because that’s the shape of the timer he used.

Yes, this is a time-management method. The Pomodoro technique involves breaking your study time into twenty-five minute ‘sprints’, during which you’ll work intensively on a task. Then, when you’re done, you’ll take a five-minute break. After a couple of hours of this, you can then take a slightly longer break.

For some of us, this method is a reliable concentration booster. When you know that you’re going to have a short break in ten minutes, it can help you to push through any boredom or distraction that might start to set in.

4. Create the right environment

Effective study means having a dedicated space to devote to the practice. If you’re sharing your work and leisure spaces, you make it more likely that one space will bleed into the other. Even if you’re not closing the book and firing up YouTube, the idea of doing so might come more readily to you. Battling temptation will use up brainpower that could be better devoted to your studies.

Your workspace might be a small corner of the house, or it might be an entire room that you’ve devoted to studying. You might decide that you work better with a certain kind of music or in complete silence. Noise-cancelling headphones (or earplugs) can be invaluable.

Creating the environment right is the first thing covered in the University of Groningen’s video on how to prepare for a study session. Get it right, and you’ll set yourself up for success!

5. Create flashcards

Flashcards provide an easy way to familiarise yourself with key concepts and pieces of information. You can also use them to quiz yourself later. You can create digital flashcards – but many people believe that the pen-and-paper version is more effective.

Flashcards are one of the six revision techniques highlighted in an open step from the University of Groningen.

6. Break everything down

Readers of a certain age might remember an episode of friends in which Chandler challenges Ross to name all 50 US states. It turns out to be quite a difficult thing to do, even for Americans. In fact, naming all seven dwarves in Snow White, or all seven wonders of the Ancient World can be tricky.

If you’re studying something that requires a large base of knowledge, then you’ll be expected to memorise far more than 50 things. Chemistry students will have to contend with 118 elements in the periodic table, and foreign language students might need to grapple with thousands of words.

If you break down long lists of information into groups, then you’ll find it much easier to retain the knowledge. Think about how you think of landline phone numbers: they’re made up of a five-digit area code, and then two clusters of three digits for the rest. This is called ‘chunking’, and it’s essential if you want to commit lots of things to memory in a short period.

Also, consider systems and categories. You can use this to prompt yourself when you come to test yourself later. For example, if you are trying to remember the names of every European Union member state, you might remember that four of them begin with an S, and three of them begin with an L.

7. Teach other people

You only fully understand something when you can explain it to someone else. It’s a well-worn piece of advice, but it’s true: the surest way to expose gaps in your knowledge is to try to convey that knowledge to another person. Find a willing volunteer (maybe a friend or family member) and have them ask you questions about the topic.

It might be that you’ve taken your understanding for granted in many areas. If you’re studying programming or linguistics, you might think you know what ‘syntax’ means. But do you really?

Often it’s only when you come to explain something that you really appreciate the depths of your understanding. Like angled torchlight exposing a shoddy decorator, an outsider’s scrutiny can help you see where you should focus your studies in the future.

8. Get some exercise

Your mind is going to be in better condition to focus and to take on board new information if your body is in good shape. You don’t have to dedicate yourself to achieving sporting excellence – but going for a brisk walk every so often will allow you to return to your studies feeling refreshed.

In the long-term, regular exercise will improve your memory and concentration, as well as fending off the stress that’s associated with intensive study. You’ll become better able to come up with creative solutions to problems, and you’ll feel better about yourself. So, find a form of exercise that you enjoy and make it a part of your study schedule.

Naturally, exercise should be supported by a healthy, balanced diet – something covered extensively by the University of Aberdeen’s course on nutrition and wellbeing.

9. Set yourself deadlines

In 1955, Cyril Northcote Parkinson wrote an essay for The Economist. The first line said, “It is a commonplace observation that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

While Parkinson might not have been the first to make this observation, his succinct description of it led to this maxim being named after him. If you have a lot of time to do something, then Parkinson’s Law makes it clear that you’ll fill the available time – or waste it.

Setting yourself short-term deadlines will allow you to avoid procrastination and the stress that comes with cramming. Do the work right now, get it done ahead of time, and come back to dot the ‘i’s and cross the ‘t’s just before the real deadline hits.

When it comes to studying, you should have a timetable laid out. Within this schedule, you should set your study goals and when you expect to have conquered them. If it turns out that you’re not making progress as rapidly as you’d hoped, then you’ll be motivated to knuckle down. If you’re ahead of schedule, you can double-down, emboldened by the knowledge that you’re an overachiever.

10. Meditate

We’ve already talked about exercise for the body. But what about exercise for the brain? Mindfulness practices are sweeping through the modern world of work. They’re associated with lowered stress levels, improved concentration, and general improvements in wellbeing.

Even a small amount of meditation can make a huge difference if you’re doing it consistently. You might get an app to help you reap the benefits, or you might look into online instruction. Mindfulness has never been more accessible – and it might provide just the boost that your study sessions need.

Monash University provides two courses that focus explicitly on mindfulness, namely: Maintaining a Mindful Life and Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance. If you’d like to start from the ground floor, then Leiden University’s Demystifying Mindfulness is also well worth considering.

Final thoughts

Learning to study effectively will provide benefits that will far outlast your time in education. Aiming to improve your study skills will make you a more productive and desirable employee, and it’ll also bring benefits to your personal life.Many of the tips we’ve run through are echoed in our previous blog post on how to succeed with online learning. So, be sure to check that out if you’d like to learn more.

  • University of Leeds Skills to Succeed at University

  • Deakin University Why Research Matters

  • University of Leeds Critical Thinking at University: An Introduction

Top 10 study tips for effective learning - FutureLearn (2024)


Top 10 study tips for effective learning - FutureLearn? ›

Shorter, intensive study times are more effective than drawn out studying. In fact, one of the most impactful study strategies is distributing studying over multiple sessions (Newport, 2007). Intensive study sessions can last 30 or 45-minute sessions and include active studying strategies.

What are your top 3 tips for effective study? ›

Learn how to study effectively with these ten tips.
  • Get organised. ...
  • Don't skip class! ...
  • Take notes. ...
  • Talk to your teacher & ask questions. ...
  • Space out your studying. ...
  • Create a study plan – & stick to it. ...
  • Don't just re-read but study. ...
  • Set up a quiet study space.

How can I focus 100% on studying? ›

7 tips for staying organised and focused while studying
  1. Make a plan. ...
  2. Create a relaxed study environment. ...
  3. Take regular breaks. ...
  4. Don't get distracted by social media. ...
  5. Drink plenty of water and eat well. ...
  6. Reward yourself. ...
  7. Don't do all-nighters, you will regret it!

What is the most efficient way to study? ›

Shorter, intensive study times are more effective than drawn out studying. In fact, one of the most impactful study strategies is distributing studying over multiple sessions (Newport, 2007). Intensive study sessions can last 30 or 45-minute sessions and include active studying strategies.

What are the 10 effective study habits? ›

  • Find a good place to study. Finding a good location to study is one of the most important elements of studying well. ...
  • Minimize distractions. ...
  • Take breaks. ...
  • Space out your studying. ...
  • Set study goals for each session. ...
  • Reward yourself. ...
  • Study with a group. ...
  • Take practice tests.
4 days ago

What is the 123 method of studying? ›

The most common use of 3-2-1 I've seen is in response to a reading or lesson–usually 3 things you learned, 2 things that made you curious or confused, and 1 most important thing you learned or should do with what you've learned.

What is the 3 5 7 study method? ›

Revise a topic, then revisit it the next day, after three days, and after seven days. This is thought to be the perfect amount of time to help your brain remember information.

What are 2 helpful tips to make studying more successful? ›

  • Study in manageable blocks of time. ...
  • Create a consistent study schedule. ...
  • Make connections between your various study topics. ...
  • Use flashcards rather than just rereading your notes. ...
  • Set specific goals for each study session. ...
  • Explain the concepts you're learning out loud. ...
  • Test yourself with practice questions.
Mar 29, 2021

How do you learn best answers? ›

  • Learn with Pen and Paper. The best way to learn any answer is to read it and then write it down on paper. ...
  • Learn by relating answers with daily life examples. Only if you can do this properly, you can feel how easy it will be to learn. ...
  • Use Mnemonics. This is where you will get the sure shot output.

How can I study powerfully? ›

Ways to Make Studying More Powerful
  1. Focus. One of the best ways to organize your study session is to use the Pomodoro Technique. ...
  2. Test yourself. When you are studying, you should test yourself often. ...
  3. Interleaving. ...
  4. Teaching. ...
  5. Closing thoughts. ...
  6. focus – v. ...
  7. session – n. ...
  8. technique – n.
Apr 21, 2020

What is the smartest way to study? ›

Study smarter, not harder: Top 10 study tips
  1. Don't miss a class. 'A' students never miss a class. ...
  2. Review your notes quickly and often. ...
  3. Organise your notes visually. ...
  4. Plan ahead. ...
  5. Explain things to others. ...
  6. Get together with a study group. ...
  7. Stay positive. ...
  8. Trust your instincts.

How can I study fast without forgetting? ›

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.

What are study strategies? ›

__________________________________________________ Study Skills are the strategies and techniques that help you make the most of your time, academic potential and resources. Improving your study skills can help you get more work done in the time available to you, and make it easier to retain the information you learn.

What are the 8 habits of successful students? ›

8 Habits Synopsis
  • Habit 1: Be Proactive. I am a responsible person. ...
  • Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. I plan ahead and set goals. ...
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First. ...
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win. ...
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. ...
  • Habit 6: Synergize. ...
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. ...
  • Habit 8: Find Your Voice.

What makes a student successful? ›

Successful students take advantage of extra credit opportunities when offered. They demonstrate that they care about their grades and are willing to work to improve them. They often do the optional (and frequently challenging) assignments that many students avoid. Successful students are attentive in class.

What is the 80 20 rule in studying? ›

How Does The 80/20 Rule Apply To Our Studies? When we are looking at this principle in relation to our education, the primary factor we should consider is that 20% of the time you spend studying will be leading to 80% of the results you see.

What is the 50 50 method for studying? ›

A better way to learn, process, retain and remember information is to learn half the time and share half the time. Learn for 50% of the time and explain what you learn for 50% of the time.

What is the 80 20 method in studies? ›

Put simply, the 80-20 rule states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Sometimes this is even more extreme – sometimes close to 99% of the effects come from less than 5% of the results. This is true in both social and scientific contexts.

What is the 50 10 50 study method? ›

The 50/10 Rule mandates that you stay on task when studying during the 50 minutes, then go on a multitasking, multimedia bender during your 10-minute break. Mix and repeat.

What is the 15 30 15 study method? ›

Basically, it's breaking up your language study sessions in a day into 15 mins of review in the morning, 30 mins of studying in the noon and another 15 mins of review at night.

What is 45 15 study method? ›

We are all in this together. This, my friends and panicked peers, is the 45/15 rule. When you are studying, it can be easy to burn out, so get up and get active for your 15 minute break. For every 45 minutes you are studying, try one of these for 15.

What is the best time to study? ›

Best time to study according to science

According to science, there are two windows of time the brain is most receptive to new material: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

How are you answers for beginners? ›

“Great!” “I'm doing really well, thank you,” or “Fantastic!” are all good ways to answer. They will tell the other person that you are enthusiastic and ready to work.

What are the three major types of study skills and show how they help us to become better learners? ›

The top three types of study skills in my opinion are understanding, decoding and memorizing. Understanding refers to contextual clarity of the topic, decoding refers to finding out the main objective of the course and memorizing memorizing refers to retaining what you have learnt.

What are the 4 study strategies? ›

Four Study Strategies to Enhance Your Learning
  • Create your study area(s) This one encompasses more than it seems at first glance. ...
  • Organise your study schedule. ...
  • In the groove. ...
  • Reading R.O.I.
Apr 6, 2016

What are the four methods of study? ›

The four most common methods of psychological research are observational studies (including covert and overt studies), interviews or surveys, case studies, and experiments.

How can you improve your learning quickly? ›

How to learn faster: 5 ways to tune your brain for new things
  1. Learning quickly gives you a great competitive edge for personal and professional development. ...
  2. Teach others (or just pretend)
  3. Make breaks. ...
  4. Take notes by hand.
  5. Don't be afraid to take a nap!
  6. Use different study methods.

What are the 3 R's of memorization? ›

3 'R's: Remember It, Recall It, Retain It.

What is the Puma study method? ›

Modifying and Adding (PUMA) is a teaching-learning model that focuses on communication among students rather than emphasizing programming language grammar in an online education platform. The Network-based PUMA model consists of four steps: preparing, un-coding, modifying and adding.

How can I study faster and smarter? ›

10 proven tips to study smarter, not harder
  1. Study in short chunks. Short study sessions help the synapses in your brain process information much better than lots of information in long sessions. ...
  2. Get in the zone. ...
  3. Sleep well and exercise. ...
  4. Write flash cards. ...
  5. Connect the dots. ...
  6. Set goals. ...
  7. Test yourself. ...
  8. Aim to teach it.
May 23, 2016

Why do I feel so unmotivated to study? ›

Why do I feel unmotivated to study? Answer: Students may feel unmotivated due to lack of sleep or the pressure of excelling in academia. Students can get into the study mode by going on a walk, following a regular schedule, or by studying the difficult concepts first.

Why can't I motivate myself to study? ›

One of the reasons is the lack of interest in the activity. So, it is not “something you are born with” and you can do nothing about it. The key is to find a task that can spark your interest through your strong desire in acquiring something (i.e money, fame, valuable object).

How do you motivate a lazy student to study? ›

Got an unmotivated student? Try these 12 tips
  1. Identify their “type” ...
  2. Stop effusive praise. ...
  3. Highlight the positive. ...
  4. Foster a threat-free classroom. ...
  5. Take the focus off extrinsic motivation. ...
  6. Embrace routine. ...
  7. Encourage friendly competition. ...
  8. Get out of the classroom.

What are the 7 types of effective study habits? ›

Here are 7 effective study habits that are essential for students of all ages.
  • Establish a study area at home.
  • Communicate with the teacher.
  • Keep assignments organized.
  • Avoid procrastination.
  • Take notes in class.
  • Highlight key concepts in the reading materials.
  • Prepare your book-bag before going to bed.

What are the top 6 learning strategies? ›

These six strategies for effective learning are based on evidence-based research and the science of learning. We will explore: spaced practice, retrieval practice, elaboration, concrete examples, dual coding and interleaving.

What are the 4 types of study methods? ›

There are 4 predominant learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinaesthetic. While most of us may have some general idea about how we learn best, often it comes as a surprise when we discover what our predominant learning style is.

What are some key study strategies? ›

Top 10 lists for study success, according to Lynchburg tutors and PASS Leaders
  • Make a weekly or daily to-do list.
  • Use a calendar or planner.
  • Get up early to get stuff done.
  • Reward yourself when tasks are complete.
  • Schedule your “me” time (so it doesn't eat up study time)
  • Read the syllabus and make plans from it.

What are 4 good study habits? ›

Here are some tips to keep in mind:
  • Set up a schedule. One of the most effective study habits is to make sure you do your homework at a specific time every day. ...
  • Create a workspace. ...
  • Avoid distractions. ...
  • Use a planner. ...
  • Take breaks. ...
  • Reward yourself. ...
  • Determine your learning style. ...
  • Take care of yourself.
Apr 12, 2023

What are the 8 habits of highly successful students? ›

8 Habits Synopsis
  • Habit 1: Be Proactive. I am a responsible person. ...
  • Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. I plan ahead and set goals. ...
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First. ...
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win. ...
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. ...
  • Habit 6: Synergize. ...
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. ...
  • Habit 8: Find Your Voice.

What are the six aspect of study habits? ›

Very often the study habits and practices developed and used in high school do not work for students in college. Good study habits include many different skills: time management, self- discipline, concentration, memorization, organization, and effort. Desire to succeed is important, too.

What are the 8 learning strategies? ›

The 8 Learning Styles
  • Visual (spatial) Learners.
  • Aural (audio) Learners.
  • Physical (tactile) Learners.
  • Verbal Learners (aka Linguistic Learners)
  • Logical (analytical) Learners.
  • Social Learners (aka Linguistic Learners)
  • Solo Learners.
  • Natural/ Nature Learners.
Jun 23, 2020

What are the 4 A's teaching strategies? ›

The 4As of adult learning: Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application is illustrated in Figure 6-1. The constructivist approach to teaching asserts that a Learner gains and builds knowledge through experience. It recognizes that life experiences are rich resources for continued learning.

What is the 3 study method? ›

The 3 steps of the model are preview, study and revise. In improving your study techniques, you will learn about a brain-friendly study method.

What are the three main study styles? ›

There are three primary types of learning styles, as defined by teacher Neil Fleming: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Most people learn best through one or two of these methods, but there are ways to use all three learning styles to your advantage.

How can I study and remember everything fast? ›

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.


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